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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Wanna know the real story?? I am a Fuckin Redneck!!


Is this what bringing a new baby into the world is supposed to be like?

First off, my personal life is none of your damn business!

Ive created this blog to help clarify the rumors and cheap shots taken by numberous media outlets, blogs, and even close friends.

As I'm sure you are already aware that for the last 48 hours, my life has been hell raised by all of the media attention surrounding Governor Palin.

There should have never been an issue that involved Bristol and I; however, because of the attention that Mrs. Palin is receiving, the two of us (and our unborn child) have been sucked into this horrible mess that is weighing heavily on the both of us.

Thanks to the popularity of Myspace, our pages have been made private to protect our privacy and personal lives. We won't be accepting anymore friend requests simply because people are using the info that they find on our pages for all of the wrong reasons. Thanks to all of you who have supported us, those who have made it clear that this whole ordeal has gotten out of hand, and thanks even to the haters out there who think this is going to spoil the opportunities for my (soon to be) mother-in-law.

For all of you who support Bristol and I during her pregnancy, we appreciate the support! For anyone else, leave us alone.

L Johnston


brand1988 said...

i dont know why everyone is all up in their business so what if she is 17, she is not in the public eye her mother is the one in the public eye... SO LEAVE THEM ALONE!!

Mom from GA said...

Dear Levi & Bristol: I feel very sad for you both; I'm sure that your lives have just been turned upside down in the past week. It's unfortunate that you can't enjoy this private time in PRIVATE!
God has given you both the ultimate gift, a child of your own making. Try to stay focused on Bristol's health, the health of the baby and getting ready to be great parents.
I was born and raised outside of DC and know how horrible the press and politicians treat eachother. Stop responding and they'll eventually get over it. New statements or briefings from the Republican campaign keep giving them more fuel for the fire and literally gives the reporters something new to say.
Perhaps you should behave more like Jesus did when Pilate was asking him questions. Don't answer anymore.
You do have supporters that are praying for you all and the campaign.
Good luck to you.

Buford, GA

Anonymous said...

I agree with you! What business is it of anyone what goes on in your life. I commend you two for wanting to get married and raise the baby in a normal life. I think the Palin family is a good family for Washington. I am standing my woman rights and voting for mccain-palin. I wish you and bristol all the luck in the world. If it helps i was 19 when i got married and had my first child. Now I am 30 and we have been married 11 years. You can do this. I will pray for you guys.
Anne Marie Russell
Cleveland, MS

Anonymous said...

Levi, I admire you for standing beside Bristol. I hope that you have a happy and solid marriage. Your baby deserves that, and so do both of you. You are young, and your life is about to change drastically, but if you stay strong together, and continue to put your family first, you'll be ok. Just hold tight to the love, and you'll get through anything together.

Mom from NY said...

You should clean up your language if you really want to make a psitive impression.

Anonymous said...

Having a baby is a very scary thing and you both need this time to deal with your emotions. It's also a very happy ocassion and you should have the time to be happy. The outside world should have no opinions and this should not effect her mother. At this day and age its normal for a 17 to have a child anyways. I wish you both the best of luck. In the end I don't think this will effect the election, it will just bring some stress along the way.

Anonymous said...

What is wrong with a fucking condom you stupid ass?? You, Gov. Palin and Bristol all are at the same level of stupidness.

Yerbal said...

This blog was obviously created by someone from the media to try to help Palin's image. No way some redneck kid from Alaska can create a structured sentence like this. Clearly the voice of a mature person trying to sound younger. Keep up the lies...

Anonymous said...

As hard as it is for the two of you to live through this political race, just know that you are supported by not only by your family but also by many Americans who have faced this situation as well.

What many people don't understand about this situation is that this is only showing to the country that Sarah Palin is a supporter of her daughter, and that her daughter feels a bond with her mother to involve her in her decision to keep this child. This also shows the support system that many families lack in this country. I have a daughter of my own, and am not married, and to have a family that supported my decision meant the world to me.

Stay strong and be positive through this all. It will get better in time.

McCain and Palin
The new future for the United States!

Anonymous said...

You two hang in there and stand strong! You just have to realize some people suck and there is nothing you can do about it! Take care and the best to you both!

Anonymous said...

No matter what, it really stinks that you have been dragged into what is a media created mess. It does not matter whether people agree with or do not agree with Gov. Palin, etc. It is hard enough to go through what you will go through. Even worse is to do it with people trying to take advantage of you. I saw the myspace mess being created by people pretending to be you. Heck it is hard to tell if this blog is even you. But if not and you do read this my sympathies are with the hardships you will face.

Lorel said...

Levi, I am truly sorry that you and Bristol have found yourselves in this position. Unfortunately, it should not be a surprise. This is a media driven world and Bristol's mom has found herself (at her own choice) to be VP running mate for the United States of America. I am voting for Obama and Biden. It is NOT because Bristol is pregnant and out of wedlock. I do not think that choosing Bristol's mom as a running mate was a smart choice, but not because of you and Bristol. It is because I do not feel that she is qualified to step into the role of President of the United States if something happened to McCain. Not by a long shot. Also, just a bit of advice. Don't fuel the fire of the media by using the F word. It will get you nowhere and stating that you are a redneck is not something to be proud of. A redneck is someone who is termed ignorant, not well-educated and is so stuck in their ways that they don't look at the world but their own some place on Earth. I don't believe that is you or Bristol. At least I hope not. You both made a mistake in not using birth control, but what is is and you have made a choice to keep the child. Whether or not you both get married that is up to you, but I am sure that you will step up to the plate and be apart of the baby's life. I wish you both much luck. Getting angry will get you nowhere. Be mature and take it for what it is and that life is not always fair and people will judge you. Strive to be the best person you can be. Get an education and a good job and be there for your child. Best to you both.

Anonymous said...

I guess that Republican/Redneck birth control did not work, eh Redneck? We all know abstinence does not control raging teenie hormones but what about appalachian birth control---THE DIME. Very simple to use. Place dime between Bristol's knees during make out session.

Anonymous said...

Hey congrats on the baby!! But don't just get married because you are pregnant!! But it is none of my business!! I am a younger mom and doing very well. Best wishes.

Garrett Stillman said...

Why hasn't adoption been discussed as an option? I'm sure the two teenagers aren't really ready for marriage, and to save this poor unborn child the pain and attention it will receive for most of its infant life, adoption should be considered, or at least discussed.

Adoption is not immoral, unlike conception before wedlock.

Anonymous said...

Dear Levi,

Like many people, I also feel sorry for the both of you. Sorry because at 17 years old, you will have not only the responsibility of being a parent but undoubtedly being a spouse. Both of which it's highly possible you are not ready for. I truly hope you both are able to handle a marriage and are doing it as YOUR CHOICE. Shotgun weddings should be a thing of the past.

Anonymous said...

Dear Levi,

Would you really be getting married if the whole world were not watching?

Anonymous said...

Here's something you should know. I learned this from experience. I was 18 when I got married and had my first child and guess what? It'll never be all your business. You will spend the rest of your life being judged whether you are in the media spotlight or not. That's life. If you're all offended now, too bad. Your family chose the situation they are in. Unmarried pregnancy and politics, it's all a choice. Sorry you don't like the consequences of your choices. Boo-Hoo.

Anonymous said...

First off, congrats on your baby. I think that is the most amazing thing anybody can ever experience. I wish the 2 of you the best in life. I hope you can just ignore the media. They have nothing better to gossip about other than the joys of having a child! (Even if they make it out to be a horrible thing!) So I wish you 2 the best. And best of luck to Gov. Palin!

Deb said...

Levi and Bristol,
I could not begin to understand what pressure you both must be under. But know that between God, your parents and each other... you'll be alright. I am praying for you all three!! From a concerned wife and mom in Florida

Jack Morgam said...

If you guys want to get married how come you're not married yet? What's the hold-up?

Anonymous said...

Fucking redneck, I would love to kick your hillbilly ass all the way to Minnesota.

Better grab as much money as you can, 'cuz your 15min of fame is about over asshole.

Anonymous said...

It's everybody's business because Bristol's mom was chosen to satisfy the so-called social conservative vote. This really means anti-sex education for one thing, and you knocked her daughter up as a result.

So, real Levi, what we need to know next is whether Trig is actually yours, and if so, who's the momma? Sarah or Bristol?

Check out real Levi's sister's photos with her nephew Trig at:

Anonymous said...

You are in a bit of a tough spot in which some anger is normal, but to let anger dominate your responses will be to potentially ruin your life.
The fate of the world may well hinge on this next election, and your actions could adversely affect the outcome.
To control anger, the following things will likely help:
Avoid all alcohol.
Count to 10 before responding in an angry fashion to anyone.
Remember that it is not just you by yourself anymore--you have others who can be wounded badly by your actions.
Good Luck.

Anonymous said...

Have you ever heard of pulling out?

Anonymous said...

You deserve all the bad press you are getting. All these young unmarried children having babies is what is making the world today such a mess. Maybe next time you and your friends will think about keeping it in your pants. All you young boys think with your penis and I hope that you live and learn what a mistake you have made. I feel sorry for your unborn baby and what it will have to endure have unfit, not ready parents.

Anonymous said...

i don't believe you're the real levi. your grammar and spelling doesn't add up!

Anonymous said...

I feel for you both, and for your families. This is definitely a private matter, and it just makes us sick how the media has been attacking your families. Our thoughts and prayers are with you both--Never forget what a blessing a new life is, no matter what the circumstances. God Bless, Tanya

Anonymous said...

I don't want trash and unborn trash in the white house. If her mother is the next VP that is exactly whats going to happen and not okay with that. Go Obama!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Levi and Bristol!
Stay strong guys, this isn't an easy thing to deal with. Who cares if she is 17? Atleast you're both big enough people to stand up and say "yes it happened and we are going to handle it". There are fully grown adults who can't do that. Republican or not, you guys have my support. Political parties should not be coming into this. This is something dealt with inside the home.
Good luck!

Anonymous said...


hollye.delapaz said...

I don't agree with you all one bit. These two people are kids and they obvioulsy have no morals in life. Getting married just because of a child is WRONG! Also, clearly stating you are a redneck makes matters even worse. Is this what you want your child to be about as well?? Sit back and ask yourself a few times...what kind of parents will we be...Its something to think about. OBAMA 08! Get ready!

Anonymous said...

I feel badly for you and Bristol both being dragged into the spotlight. I am sure though you understand that if Sarah had not said anything that the media would have found out about the pregnancy and said that Sarah was ashamed or something else to relect negativity around her. They always do. The best thing to do right now is to continue what you have been doing... taking care of your business. I have been in a similar situation, an unplanned pregnancy, just not under the microscope of the media. I also was a little older, but not much. I know how hard it is. Make sure to finish your education. Don't read the papers, or watch the news or anything else that will bring unneccesary stress to an already stressful situation. Take care of Bristol (rub her feet, back, and keep stocked up on ice cream) and be strong. Try not to pass out when the baby is delivered. :-) One the best part will be a 4 d ultrasound. You should already be able to see who the baby looks more like if you do that! It is awesome! I met Sarah at COSTCO of all places and I know that she supports you and her daughter. I wish you the best. Not everyone is out to short change you. Take care, and God bless!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

OK you're right,it is none of our damn business! Then tell me WHY was the pregancy announced to the public? Who's fault is that? A publicity stunt, no doubt.

Good luck to you both. I hope you enjoy parenting--it is the best part of life!

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA! Politics for you! You two get what you deserve. See what happens when you don't pull out right away. You make babies when you don't stupid. Best of luck though to the both of you and have a fantastic life now that its basically ruined unless your mommy Sarah Palin becomes VP then you will have free money cuz they get paid BIG TIME!!

Anonymous said...

Gov. Sara Palin made her daughter's pregnancy the nation's business. Instead of ignoring the jabs of bloggers inquiring about her own child's paternity, she chose to answer by airing her own child's laundry. She alone has thrust her daughter and future son in law into the limelight. This should not be an issue. However, her stance against abortion rights, against sex education in schools, investigation for misconduct, political beliefs etc. should be an issue freely discussed. After all she brings these potential policies to office with her. Eight years ago her nomination would have been a resounding success based soley on her sex. Today, Dick Cheney has changed that fact. He has proven that the vice presidency can be a very influential powerful office. P
I commend your decision to have your son/daughter and marry. However, I feel that you are being strong armed into marriage for political gains. If this is true, don't fall for it. If in fact you have known for at least 2 months why haven't you gotten married yet?? Why wasn't the wedding date announced? I keep reading comments in the news from Wasilla residents claiming to know you. The resounding tone is you could do great things. Good luck to you, Bristol and family.

Anonymous said...

nobody should get into any candidate's personal affairs. although, since you're in the media spotlight, a great idea would be to not curse does give them more fuel for the fire. i'm a Marine vet and i 100% support McCain and i'm just giving you some pointers man. take it for what it's worth. i know how it's hell for you and her now, but show your character, integrity and strength and just turn the other cheek. you'll be fine and they'll win the election.


Anonymous said...

Dear Levi and Bristol, I send many hugs your way and hope your lives get back to normal... We lost our son in an auto accident 10 years ago and know there is so much small stuff out there... your unborn child is such a huge blessing . I just wanted to let you know that not all people judge you badly and just want the best for all... you will surely be in our thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

Don't get knocked up. Pretty simple.

Anonymous said...

Your personal business is just that "personal" business!
Those democrats are going to find something to gripe about,"always" no matter what.Have you ever noticed that they are all just a bunch of sourpuss just mad at the whole world and proven whiners when they dont get their way?
There are those of us out here who know the truth,have at some level been in your shoes and are totally supportive of you!
Concentrate on your own little family to be and ignore all the negativity that is surrounding you right now."Judgement is mine saith the Lord"...Attention democrats! That means judgement is not your authority!
I feel better already!Cant wait to hear Sarah speak tonight!
Angie,Crestview Fl

Anonymous said...

Teen pregnancy happens to people of all walks of lives, all tax brackets, and all races. I just wanted to let you know you have my support and prayers. And for the record... I'm a democrat who will be voting for McCain-Palin. This will be the first presidential election that I go republican and its because of all the negativity and lies and deception coming from the Obama camp. Heaven help us all if Obama wins.

Keep your chin up!

Anonymous said...

you have every right to feel like you do, but be careful what you put on here because people will use this against you too.

Know that not all peole are like this. Keep your family close, and stay close to God. Also know that you have numerous people praying for you.

Blessings Levi, Bristol, and the soon to be addition.


Anonymous said...

I wish nothing but the best for you and Bristol. As long as you strive to be the best parents you can and use it as an opportunity to show people that just because you are young doesn't mean you will end up divorced and be bad parents. I was 17 when I first got pregnant and now 6 years later we are still married and have 3 more kids. Please stay on the right path and know you don't have to answer to anyone but God.

Unknown said...

You guys are making the right choice, and if anything, this should help Sarah's stance, being pro-life, become more concrete. You have chosen to keep your child, and that is admirable. I wish you nothing but the best of luck and love in the future.


My mom and I believe that people with Down Syndrome are actually guardian angels sent by God to watch over his children. The moment I found out about Bristol's baby brother, I KNEW that God had chosen her to win this election. I also have a son, who is 5 months old, and I applaud Sarah for the ultimate mother role she has so eloquently acheived.

God Bless you all.

Bend, OR

Anonymous said...

Levi and Bristol,
Forget when everyone is saying and stick to what you know is right in your heart. That's what I did when I was 17 and was pregnant with my daughter. I didn't get married and I am really glad that my parents wanted me to experience life before I settled down. Everything that is ment to be will be. So forget about the negativity and focus on the beautiful blessing in your life. It is clear that the Palin's care very much about Bristol and you. I am definitely voting McCain-Palin in November. Washington needs someone as down to earth as Mrs. Palin!

Congrats and Good Luck to your both!

Anonymous said...

I hope things get better for y'all! We are all for John McCain and Sarah!!! There couldn't be a better combination for the Presidential campaign. We are excited for the things to come!

Keep your head up!!!

Anonymous said...


I agree that all this should be private - so why don't you and Bristol go home to Alaska and make it private instead of parading yourselves on national tv?

Let Sarah run for VP - you don't have to be part of this and if you are part of it - you will not be able to lead a private life.

Anonymous said...

Leave you alone? Are you serious? If you want privacy - then go be private. At the point your future inlaws decided to annouce this to the nation it was no longer private. If I were you I'd run from this white trash family as fast as I could get my white ass back to Alaska.

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me? You know you would have hit the road if the McCain camp weren't threatening you with the future of our country. Hey... Look on the bright side... You will probably be more successful than you ever would have been otherwise! I wish you the best in working through this, but I think your future m-i-l is a total jerk for putting her daughter through this public humiliation. What the hell kind of mother would leave her 3 day old baby with special needs to go back to work. She is a hack!

Anonymous said...

You have nothing to worry about except your baby ! Stand STRONG and Bristols mom will be VP ! Screw all the HAters and COLORED people that want osama "obama" to win it wont HAPPEN!! McCain/Palin 08 !!!!!

Yensidleanna said...

Growing up in a fairly large city teen pregnancy was something that I saw everyday. Two of the best friends I have ever had were both teen mothers who still have done well in life.
I agree that as two young adults you should be concentrating on what is next, but the fact is that Mrs. Palin with no regard as to the fallout, accepted the nod for this very public office. And sad but true this makes the actions of not only her but her family hot topics.
Being angry and frustrated at what the media is saying is only natural, but while what is being said is about you, it is really all about Mrs. Palin.
Stand by each other, if that is where life is taking you, not just because of the child she carries, but because you have made the decision to becaome a family.
Teen pregnancey is not republican or democrate, it is just a fact. Do not belittle yourself (the redneck comment) hold your head up and be man enough to take all they can dish out without saying a word. Because in the end you and Bristol have a child coming and that is what should be the most important thing for you both right now. Good luck and Congratulations!!

Anonymous said...

I dont agree that it should be private. her mother chose to be in the public eye, knowing that the public is going to tear through her family, and telling everyone that because she is pro life, she is going to help select pro life judges who will force the choices that her soon-to-be rich and very powerful family has the luxury of making.

Anonymous said...

Who gave a fuck about this guy a week ago anyways?

Anonymous said...

are there even rednecks in Alaska?
Hellooo, I think you mean ESKIMO.
Hahaha I don't understand why all of these people are giving you sympathy. You obviously thought you were responsible enough already if you were having unprotected sex with the Alaskan governor's daughter. Your anger won't do anything but fuel the media and make them talk more. In addition, you shouldn't be surprised by this situation. Of course people are going to talk. Governor Palin came out of nowhere for many people. A young girl having a baby is sadly now a typical story for American society. Therefore, I don't think it should be as big of a deal as it is, but I do think you should get the fuck over it & move forward.
And next time, wear a condom.

Anonymous said...

I do feel bad and all for you guys dealing with this attention. But the fact of the matter is that Gov. Palin is running for VP of our country so your families privacies will cease to exist untill the election is over and you can all go back to Alaska and continue on in your disfunction. In the mean time suck it up you made your bed now its time to lie in it. Hey look at the bright side when the election is over you and Bristol can do the reality T.V. thing like Brittany and Kevin. Best wishes.

Anonymous said...

Everyday all over the world 17 year olds and children even younger get pregnant and no one EVER makes this big of a deal about it. They need to leave you guys alone and let you enjoy this exciting time in your lives. Don't worry as soon as Mcain and Palin get into office hopefully this will be over. Good Luck and congrats to both of you!!!

Anon said...

Your a pussy for not allowing comments to be posted until approval... thats some gay should of heard how they were raggin you on the t man show in seattle lmao...but seriously you dont have to lie saying your a redneck isn't bad except it isn't bad if your from the south lmfao.....OBAMA 08

Anonymous said...

i dont understand why you all are being focused on right now. there are other teenage girls in this country who are pregnant right now and no one is on tv talking about them. im sorry that your personal lives have been broadcast to the world. i hope that you and bristol have a very healthy and happy baby and that you two enjoy this part of your life together. i wish you both the best.

Anonymous said...

I hope you took that whole, "Dont Want Kids" off your profile.

Also, why did you cut your mullet off?

Anonymous said...

Hey, Levi. I'm sorry you're getting all of this unwanted attention. I can't even begin to imagine how shocking it all must be for you. I'm an enthusiastic Obama supporter and I really think you guys shouldn't be in the spotlight like this. You didn't choose to run for vice-president and your private lives shouldn't suffer for your soon-to-be mother-in-law's own personal beliefs.

Regarding Ms. Palin, I am very glad that you guys had a choice to make, however hard or easy it was to make it, and I would like to see the same options continue to be open for all Americans. I'm not sure that would be possible at all under a McCain/Palin administration and I would say that is the source of some people's misplaced anger... because this publicity isn't anything you can control, sadly.

Anyway, best of luck to you, Bristol and baby, and no matter who wins, may all our futures be bright. :)

Anonymous said...

Keep your chin up. :] & Good luck.

Anonymous said...

youre wrong. your personal life became our business when sarah palin agreed to be the running mate of john mccain. you are all in the public eye. so get over it. you and bristol are stupid.


Anonymous said...

Mom from NY--why should he worry about what anyone THINKS of him? DUH--that was the point of the blog.

I wish you and your family the best.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Ashley--butt out. Keep your political positions to yourself and keep YOUR PERSONAL POLITICS out of their bedroom.

Anonymous said...

Dearest Young, misdirected Levi;

I am posting the definition of redneck courtesy of for your perusal. If you still feel fit to describe yourself in this manner after an attempt to rid you of your ignorance of the term, then I'm sorry for you and your child. If you are truly this way, then one can safely assume that those you associate with can be viewed as the same.

red·neck (rěd'něk') Pronunciation Key
n. Offensive Slang

Used as a disparaging term for a member of the white rural laboring class, especially in the southern United States.
A white person regarded as having a provincial, conservative, often bigoted attitude.

Anonymous said...

Your writing has dramatically improved from some of your earlier works... hmmmmm... are you SURE this is Levi Johnston?

Anonymous said...

In response to someone of you idiots out there. Bristol and Levi have been planning on getting married BEFORE they found out they were pregnant. AND the media would have found out that she was pregnant anyway. That is how they are. If Sarah kept quiet and Bristol stayed in AK people would want to know where she was and then they would snoop and find out. Then it would be brought up that Sarah Palin is a liar (which she is not) If you think someone like OBAMA is getting elected you have another thing coming. MCCAIN/PALIN 2008

Anonymous said...

Levi, somehow I do not believe you set up this website. Unfortunately, I think it is Mrs. Palin who set this up. Do not allow her to manipulate you or use you to help her get herself into office. I also, offer a piece of advice. I come from parents who forced me into marriage because I was in the same situation. I ended divorced & alone anyway. Just because you have a child does not mean you need to get married. If in years, after you are settled in your carreer and your love to Bristol has conquered all, then get married. Don't do it just because you feel pressured. F_ck the world and do what will make you happy. You can take care of your child and not be married at 18.

Anonymous said...

This is going to be a tough time for the both of you. I just want you both to know that strength and communication will get you through. I married my highschool sweetheart had 2 kids very young, and I can honestly tell you its not easy, but we made it and love our lives and our kids. This will get tough, but stick together and listen to eachother. And trust me there will be times that you may not like eachother, but remember to talk to eachother. You can still be a great hockey player, and a great mom, Bristol, who can be anything that you want. The scheduling just gets alittle harder. Go for your dreams and stay true to who you are. I support you both and your families and wish you all the best of luck and good health for the baby!!

Anonymous said...

Whether you're the real Levi or not, I have three words for you, young Bristol and the rest of the suddenly offended Republican Party: "Deal With It!"

Yes. It is going to be public and it should be. Levi, You are a part of a very public family. Even before Sarah Palin became the GOP veep, she was Governor of one of our 50 United States. Can't get too much more public than that. Not only that, but it looks like your "great American family" has generated its own firestorm of publicity and potential public scrutiny due to the Governor's misappropriations of power and shady details about a certain child in your family. Neither of these have ANYTHING to do with the potential White House bid. You were already in the limelight, bud! It just got a little brighter.

Here's another reason why I have only a little sympathy for you two and a TON of sympathy for that precious unborn child: Because your choices determine your consequences. The Grand Old Party... Republicans...make its living off of blanket-legislating morality, setting standards that they themselves often can't measure up to and looking down their collective noses at those of us who are outside of their elitist circle. Let's put a couple more years on one of the Obama daughters, place her in you and Bristol's shoes. Not only would you be calling them immoral, but based on your self-proclaimed "redneck" status, you'd probably have a few other choice epitaths for them as well. Soooooo interesting that the same behavior Republicans are now HIGHLIGHTING, PARADING and considering "just normal, every day family challenges" is also refered to as "hedonistic, immoral, sinful, animalistic, pagan, prone to uneducated minorities," etc. when it happens to...oh...say, Black Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans or even White Americans who are not a part of your Grand Old Party.

Judgmental, hypocritical Republicans everywhere (and especially and specifically you, Levi), GET OVER YOURSELVES. Learn how to live life without expecting special treatment because of your political affiliation, economic status, etc. And realize this "negative" and so-calld "unfair" media attention for what it is: Your political party's chickens coming home to roost.

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to leave a comment and say WELL DONE on your blog posting. I want you to know that I SUPPORT YOU in what you said. I hope that this time in the spotlight will make you stronger and more resolute in your young life. I wish you and Bristol nothing but the best and I hope that we can put McCain and your future mother-in-law in Washington.

I truly believe all the "small towns" in America are behind you and empathize with you. And really, it's the small towns and "rednecks" that keep America on the right track.

All The Best. Steve from Utah

Anonymous said...

Well now hold on "Redneck" as now you are everyones business as your soon to be Mother in law has dragged you out in the snazzy new clothes to me Senator McCain and you are posing for photo ops and referrring to Gov Palin on a first name basis and you are fairly familiar with her daughter so you are now fair game. Be honest be truthful and do not hide.
Most of all why do you call yourself a "Redneck"??

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to wish the two of you luck and love. I had my baby boy at age 17, and the dad did leave and never really helped us, BUT I would not change it for anything in the world. My son is the love of my life and at age 15 I am still a happy mom.
Good luck!! There are some people who have good thoughts for you!!!

Anonymous said...

Not sure if this is a legit. web site or not... but if it is.....

Best of luck to the Teens, keep your heads up and stay focused. Ignore all of negitive and stay positive.

Anonymous said...

Boy or girl? That's what I want to know. :-)

But really...good luck to all of you!

Anonymous said...

Wow, you suddenly became eloquent? You aren't fooling anyone. The real Levi has been sucked into a situation well beyond his own control. Good luck redneck. Have fun. As for privacy. As Sarah Palin about that. If she gave a shit about her daughter's privacy, she would not have put her family out there like that. A better mother would put her family BEFORE her career, especially since that family appears to be in crisis!

Tahara said...

Levi and Bristol,

I wanted to contact you and tell you that I completely support your decision to keep your baby and I have been there to I had my son at the age of 17 on December 12, 1999. if you want to check this feel free to contact me. email is t.delewski with the server of yahoo. Please cherish all the time you have your child. I recently lost a pregnancy of twins and it is a very special gift from God to have children. Enjoy the world God has given us.

Anonymous said...

I support yall full on. People are to busy trying to find something wrong with everyone else because their is something wrong with their lives. All I would say to those people are God makes no mistakes and everything happens for a reason.
God bless.
Go McCain and Palin!

Unknown said...

Yes it is hard to deal with unwanted media attention especially when you don't ask for it. However, you chose to get involved with a girl who has a mother in the political spot light. You are old enough to realize what ramifications that could lead to. Her mother does not support sex education in public schools so perhaps you and your girlfriend are a product of that outcome. None the less. You need buck up and realize if you are marrying into this family (it doesn't matter you already are whether you legalize it or not) you need to prep yourself for media critique. You are an American and that is what happens here. You both are almost or already adults. Your best bet is to take off this blog and get seclude yourself from any form of media. Delete those myspace pages because they aren't completely private. Good luck and hold on!

Unknown said...

Many people are wondering why you are in the spot light. Hmm lets see. Your soon to be mother in law who preaches Republican values has an underage daughter who got pregnant out of wed lock. Yes that will make the news. With all the birth control options in medicine today, why did she get pregnant? Where was your responsibility? Was it because your mother in law doesn't support sex education in schools? Oh and also, the shear fact that you are posting a blog for everyone to read is not the smartest thing if you want the media to leave you alone! Come on now 18 yr old. Think THINK THINK!!!!!

Unknown said...

What i don't understand is why are you going to make 2 peoples live a living hell just cause they are having a kid.

It could be much worse she could be 14 and he could have just left her at the curb saying it isnt his.

But he didn't he excepts it is his she is 17 so she has 1 more year till she is 18 and it might not even be that. She can be 18 before the child is born.

Or worse she/they could have had an Abortion.

on top of all of this they are going to get married. So why make the pregnancy more stressful then normal. and scarier then it need to be. They seem more then willing to take on the responsablilty of raising a child.

So get out of their lives, and quit trying to use the smear and splatter method to win the election.

Anonymous said...

You all yourself a redneck (in case you dont know, that means racist, homophobe, wife abuser, uneducated, and overall a sorry excuse for a man and a human being)and then wonder why you get called on it and "dragged" before the media? I'm voting for Obama not because of you, but because Obama and Biden are more qualified then McCain/Palin. Period. But much of the bad press YOU are getting is because of your own comments and behavior. As the sayin goes, "Dont start nothin, wont BE nothin."

Anonymous said...

To Levi and Bristol,

As a father and Husband to my kids and wife... I understand what you both are going through. Having gotten pregnant at a young age, my wife and I too dealt with unwanted critisism. But doing as it sounds like you both have, we ignored the situation and moved on together with our lives. Congratulations to the both of you and good luck in the future... having been a past resident of Adak, Alaska I believe so much in the people in that state and know that you both will make the best decision for not only yourselves.... but for your baby too. God Bless and Congratulations again!

Mana said...

Personally, I'm not for McCain/Palin because i don't neccessarily agree with their policies on social, environmental, or economic problems. However, I do agree that the media is focusing to much on the pregnancy. Personal matters are social, not political! It's yours and Bristol's problem, and you two should only be the ones making any decision about it! (Not even other family members!) Yet, I do hope you guys know what you're doing. It's very responsible of you to stick around with Bristol and not running off like the other unreliable jerks out there, but from here on in, make your choices wisely. It's a big responsibility, as you probably already know. But you're adults/almost adults and you're a couple, so work it out TOGETHER. That's a major problem today - couples don't talk to each other. But I have confidence in you two. It may have been an unexpected brick wall, but you can jump over it!

Also, if your haven't seen it, Juno is a terrific movie. Being the liberal/feminist I am, it may not be your cup of tea, but it gave me great encouragement.

Good Luck to both of you, Bristol and Levi.

Anonymous said...

I can't really say anything to make you feel better..but I can say that I am so sorry!! I know it's so hard to even wake up in the morning! I'm here to say that no matter what people dish your way...i know you can do it! I really do and my prayers are going out for you!!! I have been on my knees every morning praying for this election...but most importantly I have been praying that people would lay off of yall....if they don't just know that they have the judgment coming to them twice as bad when they die...God is going to judge them at the same way that they judged you. I know it may not make anything better..but i seriously think Jesus and ya'll have a lot of similarities! Jesus was ridiculed for taking a stand and being a leader...isn't that what each person in your family is doing? You and Bristol, and Sarah and bristol actually stepping up and taking responsibility is being a huge leader! And sarah being of good moral character and integrity is being a leader b/c well you know for SURE you won't find that in OBAMA!!!!! So any way keep your head high as you can any way! AGAIN i'm on my knees praying!!!!

Nash said...

Levi, I'm truly sorry that your private life is now in the open. However, you're in the public eye because there's an unanswered question that hasn't been properly addressed. The McCaine Camp threw you to the wolves. The Governor could have hushed the blogs really quickly by providing a birth certificate--Trig's or a summary of her own medical record stating she was pregnant. Instead, Bristol and you were put on there. I'm from a small town and teen pregnancy is nothing new. It's a "So what?". But if it's discovered that Sarah Palin faked her pregnancy, it's going to be crushing for a lot of people. The truth always come out no matter how you try to hide it. People talk for the right price.

Anonymous said...

yo i dont know u but i have seen u around i know bristol sorta also but all i have to say is u guys are crazy but also heroes i dont know how u guys coud even start to let the whole world on ur secret live its sucks but i beleive u guys can do it ur stronger than u think

Anonymous said...

i love all these liberal fucks ranting and raving. Why dont you go pack up another bowl and go listen to Sublime. DId anyone see a republican in colorado breaking windows? NO, look at what happend at the RNC, you hippy fucks are just making your selfs look bad. Go dig a hole and jump in it, ill pore the gas and throw the match

Anonymous said...

Wow! Some of yall are immature. Who says someone of his age cant talk correct like that? Who cares if he is a redneck? People are so damn judgemental, I think everyone needs to shut the hell up. They dont have to answer to anynore nor do they have to try to help other understand. Their business is simply THEIRS !!!! They dont need drama from peopl eon the damn internet talking crap. grow up and get lives yall.... You arent god therefore you arent owed an explination ! Thanks and have a great day ! Oh and good luck and congrats on the baby !

Alyshia Laughlin said...

i just wanted to say i support you two so much! you were two kids in love. i'm sure you didn't mean for this to happen! i support you two fully! they need to leave you guys alone so you can raise the baby! i don't know why they are attacking you. at least you are being a father to this child and not walking out! God bless!

Sierra said...

I find it absolutely hilarious that - whether or not this is truly Levi Johnston - EVERY single nasty comment is from "anonymous". How 'bout growing some balls and coming out from behind your mommy's coat tails and posting your true identity? And you call Levi and Bristol immature...hello, Kettle? You're black...

Anonymous said...

You and Bristol are like every other American Family!!! God Bless you and your unborn child!!

Anonymous said...

Hun, people are "up in your business" because your (soon to be) mother-in-law is running for the highest position in the USA. It is OUR business what she does with her money and how she will manage her family. If she cant manage her family, what makes you think we want her a breath away from the Oval office? I supported McCain until he announced his VP select. This displayed gross recklessness. Who is going to support this baby? Neither one of you are capable of obtaining gainful employment? She is still a minor. I think this is sad. Sure, we all make mistakes but we all don't jump into the world's spot light white dealing with our mistakes. If it were so private Sarah should have stayed in Alaska. This is what politics are about. It was ok when the spotlight was on Obama's pastor. Some one who he had NO control over. But Palin had (or should have had) control over the child that she is legally responsible for. She was so busy running a state, she should have been running her home!
Further more, I am not so sure if this is written by an "adult". Certainly any bright person would know posting a blog with cursing and out right stupidity would only serve to hurt Palin's opportunity. Especially for those that are on the cusp of deciding who they believe should be elected.
If indeed this is authentic, Levi you are just plain dumb! Instead of silencing Palin, maybe they should have silenced you. Nice try to post a blog to promote your (soon to be) mother in law. America is just not that stupid. You may want to stay with the things you do best, cursing, shooting, "kickin' ***" , and "chillin'"

You want people to leave you alone? Stay off the net with your trivial attempts to "explain" yourself. You are seeking attention, and then lashing out when you get the wrong kind.

Mommyto3Boys said...

Hey guys. I got this link through a friend who said that this was a neat site to see the TRUTH! I want you BOTH to know that there are SO many people praying for you both! I was 18 when I got pregnant and NOT MARRIED, I am a Christian and I knew that I made a mistake but guess what? EVERYONE DOES! We got married and have been for 10 years now and 3 BOYS later lol. I AM PROUD of you both for doing the right thing and for having this child, to me that is the most amazing thing about all of this! it would have been easy for you to have an abortion and act like it never happened and NO ONE would have known, but you did the RIGHT thing! Bristol, your mother is proud of you, and so are all the women who have been in your shoes, you're not alone. Your mother is an amazing woman! You are lucky to have her as a mother! You guys just need to stick this out and dont worry about what ANYONE says about you! It simply does not matter, all that does is resting and making sure that baby comes safely into the arms of a wonderful family :) God bless you all and GO MCCAIN/PALIN!
Molly B.
Washington State

Anonymous said...

To Bristol and Levi: I may not know what you are going through with the media and all but i do know what you are going through so young. I was 17 when I got pregnant. I was planning a wedding but i did not get married until i was 19. My son is now 3 I have got my ged and in college. Screw the media. It is not their life it is hers and yours. Live yalls life the way you want it and take care of the beautiful joy that god has given you. God just thought that it was time for yall to grow up sooner than expected.


Anonymous said...

It's hilarious that people are responding to this hoax with sincere, heartfelt expressions. "No one ever lies on the Internet!"

Anonymous said...

It helps if the joke is funny.

bricotrout said...

to everyone who says it is a shame the kids arent being left alone in all this circus:
1- you have to be a true dimwit if you concluded this site was actually by levi.
2- it is precisely due to the philosophy of 'leave the kids alone' that america has become a pendemic of pregnant teenagers. 'let kids be kids' rather than 'parents, get off your asses and be parents!' is what the conservatives are now mandating? when did THIS platform becoem official? oh yeah... the day Bristol's pregnancy became common knowledge.
3- the focus of the criticism isnt (or shouldnt be) on the typically horny and poor decision making teens. it is on the hypocrisy and shortsightedness of the 'moral high ground conservative religious right' and their abstinance only education stance.
do we need more proof that this aproach doesnt work?

Tameka said...

I feel bad that you have been dragged into the public eye when this should be a private issue. HOWEVER, I blame Gov Palin. I think it was selfish of her to consider the VP position when she has a 4 month old special needs baby, another small child, and a 17year daughter who apparently needs her attention and will definitely need help with a brand new baby. I am a mother of 2 year old twins and there is nothing like the joy of being a mother. I would never and could not imagine trying to be a VP and missing that much time away from my babies. Some are saying that questioning her "motherhood" is sexist but in their heart of hearts, they know, there is nothing like being a mom and no one could compare to be a "mom".
Mainly I would like for you to Be YOURSELF. I see that some are telling you to stop cursing and calling yourself a redneck. If anything, That and not the pregnancy is your business and if that how you are, then don't change for ANYONE. Also don't get married just because Bristol is pregnant. There is no way your myspace page would have said what it did if that is not how you feel. You can still be a father to your child without getting married. I find it so amusing how the hypocritical Evangelic Republicans are against abortion because it is a sin, BUT, when the sin of fornication produces a baby.... it is a gift from God. And oh yeah, the sin will be wiped away if you get married. They love to throw around the divorce rates in this country but as soon as a woman is pregnant, she must get married to the father. More than likely if you are forced to marry someone, you become bitter and will likely get divorced. Marriage is not easy and it is a lot of work FOR ADULTS. You two are still young and have your whole lives ahead of you. If the feelings of getting married is mutual and you truly feel you are up to the challenge, go for it. But YOU WILL be miserable if you are forced into marriage. Gf course the whole country is praying for you and I hope you make the right decision. This is not even about politics, I just would hate to see you be used as a pawn in this election to help cover up the baggage that Palin carries.
One last thing, to the other bloggers who say that every family deals with this issue, teenage pregnancy is a part of life but not mine so please stop acting like everyone in this world has experienced it. My mother would have killed me and knew this was not an option. I got married at 26 and did not have my children until I was 28. I have 2 siblings and they too did not have children until they were married so this in unfamiliar to my family. Please stop generalizing this situation when the VP's party boasts about "Family Values".
Levi.... I just wish you and Bristol the best. You are the cutest couple. You look like two kids that like to have fun and just didn't think about the consequences of unprotected sex or the fact that Gov Palin is so deep into her career that she would disregard her family by putting it into the limelight when all of these things are going on.

Anonymous said...

I am an extremely liberal democrat, and there may be no way in hell Id vote for a McCain/Palin ticket, BUT just because I dont exactly like Gov. Palin does not mean her children should be the spotlight of attention, Im 18, yalls age, and I could not imagine the scrutiny and the negative coverage you are getting, yall are just children, and any wife, husband, or child should be left out of this mess, it really pisses me off everytime I see the title, "Bristol Palins Pregenat" and thats why Im a democrat, because even though, it is highly immoral to have it up there, it is free speach, and the government should do nothing about it, plus I believe this will actually make your relationship stronger and more workable, but if I may, the irony in this is, a statistic shown that children tought abstinance only (what Gov. Palin is pushing) are 5 times more likely to have a child out of wedlock than kids tought safe sex practices, same thing goes to children who arent tought gun safety or alcohol safety, but seriosly, as much as I want to see the GOP ticket burn, I get an email once a day of photos of Bristol kissing a girl, or drinking liquor, or Gov. Palin ina bikini with a .22, and I always tell the sender to stop, and I hope my party will do more to end this

Anonymous said...

Is everyone dense or what? This is NOT the real Levi.

Anonymous said...

Are all you fuckin idiots really gullible enough to believe this is him?! Thank God yall aren't runnin for president

Anonymous said...

OMG!! So you got pregnant so what you made the child now its your job to care for it! Im glad to hear you are taking that step. I got pregnant at 20, married 6 months later and had my daughter 3 months after that. Its hard to be married even more to be a parent. At least the "teenage" pregnancy is a normal thing that many of people go through. So the Palin family is normal wow what a shock!! Where is it anyones business to bad mouth them, any one whos family is perfect can bitch ohter than that shut up, vote, and let them live their lives!! Mc Cain - Palin the right choice for a better and "normal" United States

Anonymous said...

But you just left a post saying that your parents are not going to make you marry Bristol and from what we hear she likes to sleep around so how do you know its your baby? And what is up with the Black kid from LA? The timeline makes it VERY possible! I guess we will see when the baby is born huh?

Anonymous said...

Is everyone dense or what? This is NOT the real Levi.

Anonymous said...

First I'd like to say to all the negative comments, "who in the hell are you to criticize the Palin/Johnston?" There is no perfect family there is no perfect person in this world. Referring to rumors, who cares if Trac used drugs or drank, and whats the big deal that Bristol is having a baby at 17 with Levi. All families have thier ups and downs. Kids make mistakes along with parents.

Levi and Bristol you should have exspected this to happen, They are going to look for as much dirt as possible on Sarah and if they can't find it they are going to work thier line, each family member untill they uncover what they call "good dirt" but you know every single family in the USA has that good dirt in thier family.

People say abortion or adoption NO I think what you two are doing(keeping the baby) really shows responsibility the other options just show imaturity. Yous are stepping up and taking full responsibility for what you have done/created where as the other options are just easy ways out.

I do have to say I was 24 when I had my son and it is hard but you know you learn to live with it and it comes natural just like a new job. I am not going to lecture about you should have waited or about how hard it will be because trust me you will figure that all out. As long as you have all the support from your family that is all that matters.

And if marriage is what you want then go for it!!!

I have to say I am a reg. voter but I have not ever voted because of Sarah and yous I am voting in Nov. and I am voting for Sarah I want her in office.

The thing about Sarah "shes real" she is a true family. She is everyone of us a family with ups and downs. We need some one REAL like her.

Anonymous said...

all the media is a bunch liberal idiots, who change stories, and can't mind there own business. They try to stalk you on my space, and know every little detail about your lives. and for the media saying that you are a redneck, if you are then it shouldn't be such a big deal, this why america doesn't need any liberal fucks running the fucking country. I wish you guys luck, and I hope Mccain and Palin, WIN. They will make a fucking change.

megankitter907 said...

hey levi its megan kitter from wasilla i just wanted to wish you an bristol the best of luck youll make great parents give bristol a hug for me

Anonymous said...

Of course this is not Johnston. But it is nice to be able to comment. None of this was our business...until Palin decided to accept the nomination at this challenging time in her family life. Even if she does not read any newspapers outside of Alaska, she should know how the media is now. Sarah hid her pregnancy for 7 months and then broadcasted her daughter's "pregnacy" to all the world. The November/December suprise is that there will be no grandchild. Then Levi will not have to marry Bristol. Come on folks, shot gun weddings occur before the baby is born, not after. The loser in all of this is Bristol. What her mom is doing to her is psychologically damaging. Palin should have waited 4 or 8 years until she was a little more experienced, or at least until she actually found out what the VP job entails. By then the whole Trig and "expectant grandparent" rumor mill thing would all be over. Poor Bristol. I am praying for you and Trig.

Anonymous said...

First of all I would like to say, to ALL the ppl who have negitive things to say(mostly its all jealousy), DO ya'll NOT have your own lives to live that you need to put down ppl whom you DONT EVEN KNOW?? Thats what I thought.
Secound, I would like to congratulate the both of you on the happiest news you'll ever get!! And u have ur own reasons for not yet being married. Usually most women do want to wait until after their child is born, before the walk down the aisle! SO dont pay any attention to all the "HATERS" out there! No matter how much ya'll would've tried to keep this private, it wouldn't have stayed that way, and thats ok, cuz "What doesn't kill you, Will ONLY make you stronger"!! & I truly believe that!!
Now back to the marriage thing, Dont let anyone try to make ya'll get married just because your having a child.I say this cuz I was 17 when I got pregnant & I wasnt ready for a baby, I was coming up on the 1yr aniversary of my 1st misscarriage. NOw I was with the same guy both times! But my point is, I wasn't happy with the relationship when I found out I was pregnant the either time. & his family didnt know how to talk about anything else BUT marriage just cuz I was pregnant. I did have hope that maybe things would change, well guess what it didnt! & when my son was 6 mths old, I finally got up the nerve to leave! I basically went through HELL with my sons grandma & his dad(only cuz of the mother)to get custody of him. It took all of almost 3 yrs to do so, and I was & still AM a fit mother, I HAD to go back 2 work when he was only 3 weeks old,(cuz wouldnt no one else work). I ended up sufferring from depression, anxiety & panic disorders cuz of the relationships past. If we had gotten married, it wouldve been alot worse! I did @ one time have to work 3 different jobs to take care of my son!! My point is that getting married cause ur expecting a child & cuz you "think" your truly ready & in love may work for some ppl, but not for ever one. The best thing is to be able to be each others BEST FRIEND! BE able to communicate about any & everything, help each other out! And of course LOVE! But if you dont have all of these and a lil more, then gettin married is only going to make it worse! SO make sure you have those b4 you say "I DO". Still go after your dreams, STAY in school & do what you want in life. You just now have to do it with a child. & its very possible!! dont pay attention to all the negitive ppl out there, trust me they aren't gonna go away EVER!! And take the advice of the the ppl who stand by you through this time, especially the ones who have been there!! I WISH YA'LL ALL THE BEST OF LUCK!! & I hope ya'll really take to heart what is being said to HELP you! I really hope that when you decide to get married, that its what the both of YOU want, not what anyone else wants for u!! & wait as LONG as u need to b4 you do it as well!! My thoughts are with you and your families! God Bless You ALL!!
P.S. I have to say one last thing to all the idiots who think that "pulling out" really works..Like I tell my son; Know the facts about what u wanna say b4 you say it, if you dont know the meaning of something DONT SAY IT!! FYI: pulling out is NOT a guarentee, theres what you call "pre-cum" and every guy does it, even if you think u dont! and "pre-cum" could also be what gets someone pregnant!

1 last thing, this was my very 1st time voting or even considering to vote, & I voted for Mcain & Palin, mostly cuz I started to pay ATTENTION 2 both sides and cuz of the "real" life situations in Palins life,"having a pregant teenage daughter" and a lot of other things is y I voted the way I did! CUz someone who is/has dealt with real life situations that the majority of americans have faced is more likly to actually help then someone who has never dealt with certain things! & thats what I liked about Palin & McCain! This also has nothing to do with Rep's. & Dem's. My grandparents are Christian, Rep's, middle class hard-workin Americans & just cuz I ended up a teenage mother along with a few other family members(I think I was the youngest one though)they didnt look @ me or treat me any differently then they did the rest of the family that waited until they were older & married b4 having kids! SO dont pay any of those fools any attention, thats all they want anyway, and when u respond u are giving them exactly what they want!! SO just remember the next time someone tries to put u down, all they are lookin for is a response and if u dont respond then they cant keep talkin but so much more. Cuz they will end of gettin tired of talkin to a wall!! Ever tried it? me either but it doesnt sound like fun lol! Ya'll take care! One LOVE!