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Monday, September 8, 2008

A Few of My Favorite, Latest Palin Rumors…

…In reverse order of truthiness.

1. Track Palin joined the Army to avoid jail time for drugs.

The skinny: Wasilla is the “meth capital of Alaska.” There are rumors Track was one of three unnamed teenagers charged with vandalizing 44 school buses while drunk. The neat dirt here is that the prom queen made her son’s military service a key part of her acceptance speech. Add this to her knocked up teenage daughter and you’ve got a conservative base that will have to kick it into Super-Heavy-Denail-Rationalization-Gear to keep up the family values bullshit.

2.Levi Johnston will not marry Bristol Palin.

This one is a slam-dunk (in the you know, non-Bush Iraq War kinda way.) There is no chance on earth that this kid’s parents will forcce him to get married at age 18 and move off to Washington DC with some teenage alcholic slut and her derranged parents. What, you think his parents are that shitty? That’d make ‘em shitty like, uh, Sarah Palin or something. This one is in the bank. After Nov 4 there is ZERO chance of this wedding happening. It’s just more GOP bullshit.

3.Sarah Palin is a rude, bitch. Or As McCain liks to call his wife, “a cunt.”

This isn’t even really a rumor is it? This is just a fucking fact. No real need to type up any snappy patter on this one. She’s speaks for herself— when McCain let’s her.


Anonymous said...

McCain called his wife, “a cunt.”

In front of 3 Arizona new men in 1992. Fact not fiction. He calls a lot of people dirty words. Ask him, he will not deny it.

Unknown said...


Thanks for posting an entry from my blog!

However, would you mind linking back to me at

Thanks again

Anonymous said...

Now this is the funniest thing I've seen in a while. I can't tell if the person running this is bitching about Palin or trying to support her. I wouldn't be surprised that when McPalin isn't elected to the White House, Bristol-Myers Squibb suddenly had an unexpected "miscarriage". If those two do end up getting married to save face, or at least not add to McPalin's "Oops, I Fucked Up" list, then that puts a new spin on the term "Shotgun Wedding"...They can use Palin's favorite shotgun as part of the set-up...

Anonymous said...

this site is complete bullshit.
None of these facts are right, and that black dude needs to learn how to even pronounce the name right. ITS PALIN. pronounce Pay-lin. Not Pah-lin.
Im from alaska, and everyone here loves Sarah. So for you guys to make up a bunch of bullshit, i think is rediciulous.Do whatever you need to do to make yourselves happy- but be aware that your lying, and making up shit.
thanksss :)

Anonymous said...

I am still not convinced Trig is not Bristol's and there won't be a miscarriage shortly. Bristol is just carrying leftover baby weight. They are lying about all the other small things, like telepromptors not working so who the hell knows.

Anonymous said...

wow ok this blog is sooo ridiculous and a bunch of bullshit lies. i can't believe how people would make up SOOO many lies seriously...and if this was REALLY levi why are you talking about yourself in third person? i thought so...people are just so stupid and ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

You know it seems to me that if this was levi johnston that he would NOT be talking about himself in 3rd person.impersonaters drive me plz.if this is an impersonater.get a life.or at least don't say you're someone you aren't

Anonymous said...

Hey Bre... Not EVERYONE in Alaska likes Palin. Get YOUR facts strait pull your head out of your ass... Palin thinks dinosaurs existed 5000 years ago with men... maybe noah had a bigger boat than we thought!