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Thursday, September 4, 2008

Thanks Supporters!! Go Sarah Palin and John McCain!!

I just wanted to take a moment to clarify some of the rumors out there surrounding my fiancee, myself, the Governor and the rest of the family. Feel free to look through the postings that here find out the truth about our close American family!

McCain/Palin Ticket for the White House!!


Anonymous said...

Levi and Bristol,

First of all I would like to congratulate you both on the pregnancy. I am prolife, a mother of 3, and had my first child with Down's Syndrome at age 17. I don't believe that your life should be put under a microscope since it is not you who was nominated as VP. Further more I believe that the two of you will have a rough road ahead of you but you both have to remain strong in your faith and in each other, although most people will have mean and hurtful things to say. Remember that you two are doing what most teens in America are doing today,you have made this family more real than any other families who have been nominated. Every family goes thru something like this, if not pregnancy then underage drinking or using drugs. Remember the President's daughters? So anyways I am not here to bash anyone just saying that this happens every day and that people need to stop being so critical and look around in their communities and see for themselves that no one is perfect and that we dont have a right to judge.

A father doesn't quit! said...

Thank you for standing up and being the man you are. So many people take the cowards road these days and destroy babies before they get a chance. The road you 2 are venturing will not be easy. I know we choose the same one. My daughter is now 30 and my grandaughter is 8!
You 2 have been and will continue to be blessed!

Just Jenne said...

*sigh* Ignore the press. Governor Palin's fight is not yours. She may lose some votes, but I'd almost guarantee she'll gain more. I switched my vote to McCain because of her as I'm sure many others will do. Don't let any of this get to you and tell Bristol to enjoy her pregnancy. You never get to relive it and the subsequent pregnancies are never as awe-inspiring as the first. Be proud of who you are and who you'll become. It's only the beginning.

Anonymous said...

Blah, blah, blah...blame it on the media for all the attention you and that girl are getting. I think your a stupid 17 year old knucklehead babyboy,(among all the other stupid teens making babies). I think your problems started when you started porkin the conservative Governor Palin's daughter without a condom! Stupido! You were already putting yourselves at risk for the public eye. Your girlfriends mother made it her business to take sex education out of the schools. You know your not ready for this, but families that have MONEY like I'm sure yours and hers does, are going to make this a very smooth process, your not going to really experience what its like to be a 17 year old with no money or education and try to raise a baby. It makes me sick, this story. Yeah, its too bad your business is in the public eye, and your soon to be mother-in-law is running for RepublicanVP of the USA...but it is what it is. Ideally, I bet your only manning up with your responsibilities only because your ass is in the public eye. I bet your doing what your doing because they are making you do it. I Only feel sorry for children who have to be raised like this. Tha sh*t is not cute, this is not a doll, its a real baby, no Hockey dreams for you buddy.
You know I am a Pro-choicer and in many respects I believe in Roe Vs Wade. But not as an alternative to irresponsible sex. You cant just go around killing babies just cause you got f*cked up last night, and had sex and didnt use a condom, thats just plain Stupido!!!! and ladies this is not all your fault. You stupid ass niggas, that are cutting classes, getting krunked up, with no job, living on your moms couch, think that its cute pushing a baby carriage, you just Stupido!!

Anonymous said...

Levi and Bristol,

I wish you both nothing but happiness. I too was a young mom, at age 19 I chose to keep to give life to my unborn child and I have never regreted it. It will be a hard journey, no doubt about that. In the end, all will work itself out.You two aren't the only young couple in the world and you won't be the last. You will see how blessed you are with such an amazing family that is supporting you and you will see the world with new eyes once you are parents. Be Strong, the world is watching you now. You have my support and are in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

people are really stupid to believe this is truly levi's posting.

Anonymous said...

Levi & Bristol,
I wish the best for the two of you and of course your baby! It is very sad to see the politics involved in your lives. Continue to stand by your beliefs and stay close to your families, because in the end that is what counts. Now for El Oso; you are a very interesting person who shows and types many words of hate! Yet when I looked at your page you display that you are a man of God and display messages "You lose a lot of time, hating people" and "Hate is easy; love takes courage" yet here you are passing judgment on folks who you've never met. I won't be passing judgement back at you as I don't know you. You show that your a married father, which troubles me the most in how you have spoken to Levi & Bristol. I would think you of all people could show some compassion to young fellow parents regardless of their money, family, demographics, and education. God Bless!

Anonymous said...

I think you are a two faced liar, you know you dont want kids nor get married, if i were you i would ask for money to marry her!! Use your power, you know for damn sure you dont want a kid, you should abort it or ask for money in order to get married!!!

Anonymous said...

you know, I would just like to say that SOMEONE has had a lot of time on their hands today...ive been getting the "runaround" all over myspace trying to find this guy and it brought me to this page!! WTF man? LOL it was funny.....

Anonymous said...

I just think it's hilarious that Bristol's mother is running on a campaign of teaching abstinence only in school. Is that what she used with Bristol because I'm pretty sure it didn't work and this just shows that she doesn't even follow her platform. On the other hand, keep your head up and bulldoze through it. Eventually the media is going to get tired of the new story and they'll leave you alone. It's too bad that you two got caught up in this. Had Sarah not run for VP, people wouldn't be trying to dig up as much dirt in the family. Make sure you are getting married because you love Bristol and not because you will look bad in the media if you don't. Again...keep your head up.

Anonymous said...

LOL, this blog is clearly fake.
FYI to the anonymous poster who said:
"Every family goes thru something like this, if not pregnancy then underage drinking or using drugs."
Not EVERY family goes through these things. I have a sixteen year old son who is not involved in drinking or drugs or knocking girls up. He is an intelligent, responsible young man who is focused on his goals and aspirations and has a fabulous circle of friends. It is truly sad that the things you listed have become accepted (at least in your mind) as "normal" teenage behavior.

Anonymous said...

bro , newsflash when obama wins your back to the forest . relax and be with your hot wife

Anonymous said...

I just dont understand how people can be so dumb as to get pregant "accidentally," How about condoms (too bad if it doesn't feel as good), birth control, and/or the morning after pill. All of these things can be given to a teenager through Planned Parenthood for free and its confidential, without their parent's permission or knowledge. If you are having unprotected sex, having a baby as a baby is the least of your problems. You better hope you don't get herpes or something worse like AIDS. Have some self control people. Gesh

Anonymous said...

17 year olds having babies. No matter how you cut it, its wrong, wrong, wrong. Her mayor/govenor/unelectable YP mother should have kept better watch on her 5 kids. I wonder which one will be next??

Anonymous said...

I wonder if all the negative comments will be gone by day's end? It seems like you cannot handle negative comments directed at you. Who cares that you are having a baby? It seems like you are trying to use it to get noticed by a pro hockey team. I support John McCain/Sarah Palin but looking at your vulgar blog puts a negative spin on the family.

Anonymous said...

First of all, IT is possible to get pregnant using a condom or b.c pill . The onlu way to not get pregnant is to abstain. If this were not the case why would abortion be an issue. These are normal teenagers . How many can honestly say teens won't have sex . They do. This is not a goverment decision. This is between Bristol and Levi and their families and I commend them for dealing with the UN deserving ridacule of the nations libral government. You can have a child as ateen and become a successful adult . I have done it. MY child is now 16 herself.LEAVE these Responsible YOUNG Adults ALONE. What if it were your child?? LEt me guess would force an abortion because its your right!HAH

Anonymous said...

Hey Levi, what a great conservative hero you have become. Congratulations! Any chance you could post some shirtless pics?

Anonymous said...

I dont know if this blog is real or not, but let me say this, teenage pregnancy is a problem in America and it's true how these families deal with it is their business, but please believe that Bristol nor Levi are a cut above any other teenage parents in this world and if it's a indescent thing for one it certainly is for them too, the issue is that Mrs. Palin is trying to portray herself as a Goody Two Shoes to America to get that vote, but she's really only a decetful liar, becasue if you look at this picture and you have eyes anybody can tell that is Bristols son and not Sarah's child, gestures tell everything. She looks like a proud grandmother and Bristol a proud mother get a grip, you people really need to get a clue!

Anonymous said...

It is such obvious Republican propaganda that you were holding Bristol's hand at every photo opportunity...I guarantee you were prepped to do so by the McCain campaign for the theatrics of the event...which I find pathetic...but more power to genetically tied yourself to a family of future power and prominence...your life will be easier because of it in the long run. But we both know obama is so much more in touch with our generation then the outdated views of a 72 year old. As they say, a conservitive is a liberal of 20 years ago.

Anonymous said...

I truly do not believe for a second this is the real Levi. And all you people that do are suckers. I mean all the pictures that are posted are just ones that are floating around the internet. He could have easily saved them on to his computer and loaded them up like they were the real Levi and Bristol.
Obama/Biden 08!

Anonymous said...

I especially love the way he misspelled his own last name! Johnson? LOL Too much!!

Anonymous said...

psh you probably just want mccain/palin cause you know the palins personally

Jaelan @ Making Mrs. M said...


I just wanted you to know, that not everyone is against you. I respect people who take responisbility for their actions and who do the right thing. Thank you for being honest and up-front. You truly are a strong person and will make a good father.


diana said...

i feel sorry for you because i get the impression you are being forced into this marriage just to make your anti choice, bible thumping future mother in law look good in the public eye.

Anonymous said...

Hey asshole, learn to spell your last name ...or are you not even Levi? Ha wouldn't that be funny. Um no, get a life.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Brother! Ben Stevens had it right with his "Valley Trash" comment!

Anonymous said...

I was a mother at 17 and I can not imagin having to deal with this shit! I wish the best to you both and your unborn child.

Anonymous said...

El Oso..... You are a moron what does pro choice have to do with anything about these two other then the fact that it just shows your a bigger moron. No its not ok for a 17 year old to get drunk and get pg and have and abortion(not saying thats how it happend) but you can spread your legs to every tom dick and harry and use it as a form of birth controll? Levi has stepped up and its really non of your business why he did it. she has to step up they had sex shes pregnant and he doesnt need to be forced to step up that what you do as a dad!!!!! I get so sick of men thinking the rule doesnt apply to them when they get someone pregnant! People really need to worry more about them selves then these two kids sarah is running for vp not her daughter! Give them time Im sure obamas daughter will be doing some stupid bullshit some day and you can have a feild day with that to!
Keep you heads up bristol and levi the world is not ending you will be great parents! SARAH PALIN FOR VP!!! PRO LIFE!!!!!

Anonymous said...

MCCAIN/PALIN TICKET TO THE WHITEHOUSE? Silly people. Should not count the chicken before they are hatched. Not only it is MCCAIN/PALIN TICKET TO THE OUTHOUSE, it is a rude awakening for Levi and Bristol with whom they already had one foot in the oval office. Too bad for MCCAIN..why in the world did he let his advisors talked him into choosing Sarah Palin for his running mate? Who the hell is Sarah Palin? Mayor from Alaska? What?? Voters are smarter than that. Sarah Palin's robotic smile did not make the cut. Futhermore, those who are worried that Palin can become our president, did not and will not vote for MCCAIN. It is obvious that they were not the voters choice. No one want a hillbilliy, gun totting, redneck, a member of the NRA for VP. And as for Levi and Bristol, you get to raise your child in redneck country of Alaska instead of the whitehouse. And by the way, using profanities on both of your websites will not get Sarah Palin to the oval office. So now all of you can keep your guns and kill your animals and stay the hell in Wasilla.